Nowadays, camping has become very popular both because it is more convenient and because it allows for a more comfortable vacation. As such, many tent models have emerged. Inflatable camping tents are a quick to set up and portable accommodation solution used as an alternative to traditional tents. These tents are usually inflated using inflatable rods or air pumps. So what is an inflatable camping tent, one of these tent types?
- LONDON 360
- LONDON 360
What is an Inflatable Tent:
The biggest features that make inflatable camping tents different are the materials used in their construction.
Unlike the poles made of plastic, metal or fiberglass used in classic tents, inflatable camping tents use inflatable beams. These inflatable columns are made of zodiac boat material. In this way, instead of dealing with setting up the tent, you can set up your tent more comfortably by inflating it with a pump and allow you to camp in nature.
Why Should Inflatable Camping Tent be Preferred:
Although a little more expensive than classic tents, inflatable camping tents have great advantages especially for beginners or people who want to set up a tent more comfortably. The most important of these advantages is that it makes the installation and removal process very easy. Another advantage is that their interior height is at least 2 meters. You can set up a camping stove in winter.
You don’t need to know how to set up the poles or spend a lot of time trying to set up the poles as in the classic tent setup. With just a pump, you can set up your tent in 3-5 minutes. Likewise, you will only need to deflate the air you have inflated during removal.
Inflatable Tent Models
Inflatable tent models vary according to many features as in traditional tents. Features such as size, number of people, number of windows, material structure, heat resistance and weight diversify inflatable tent models. There are even inflatable tent models that float in water.
Naturally, inflatable tent prices vary according to the features you want. By checking the inflatable tent models on our site, you can choose and buy the most suitable inflatable tent model for yourself.
As Sönmez Outdoor, you can reach the inflatable tent models we sell through our website. If you have any questions or problems with these models, you can contact us using the contact section at the bottom of our page and get detailed information about your question or problem.